sounds like you were listening to the wrong radio station or the wrong tv station. ABC called it a few days ago that it wasn't going to be a tornado, and the other stations said it had several spaghetti ways it could come thru Florida but that we'd know as time goes on. And so if you'd continued watching you would have seen that instead of the storm building up, well it stayed steady then began to drop. Had it continued to stay the same and then built up it would have hit Florida as a hurricane.
In one of the hurricanes in past years a storm quieted down and then unexpectedly and quickly turned and built into a hurricane and because of that instance we get prepared for anything.
You sound like you're disappointed there was no hurricane, this must be your first time living in Florida. Tornadoes are worse than Hurricanes but hurricanes still do a lot of damage. A hurricane doesn't ever hit or top 5,000 mph or have waves up to amile high. You've been seeing too many science fiction movies. They did no nor even basically declared a state of emergency for Florida this time around.
What they did say is watch out for flooding, and it "could be over the top of 2nd story homes" at its worst this time. The floods we saw in our area a couple of weeks ago were knee to hip high and water got into the homes, fish in the street, crap in the water, boats picking up people and taking them to emergency shelters, and that's what you could have expected for starters.
Our governor said he was talking up emergency information this time around is because 800 people are moving to Florida every day, and way too many are new to the area and don't know hurricane procedures here and he wanted EVERYONE to learn them TODAY. To find out where to go in an emergency, what to bring with you, where to take your pet, etc.
Yeah well maybe Erika fizzled out but I suggest next time around you find yourself a hotel somewhere north, put gas in your car, plan ahead and leave early, and while you're on your way keep an eye on where the hurricane (or tornado) is headed so you're not heading where it's going.
I suspect we'll get some rain tonite and tomorrow and the places that were flooded here a couple of weeks ago will get flooded again.